Business and Politics – lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Thu, 05 Sep 2024 12:21:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Nova Scotia Politics 1945-2020 /store/nova-scotia-politics-1945-2020.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nova-scotia-politics-1945-2020 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:24 +0000 /store/nova-scotia-politics-1945-2020 Who has held political power in Nova Scotia? How did they get it? And what did they do with it? In his latest book, best-selling author and former cabinet minister Graham Steele takes us on a roller-coaster ride through seventy-five years of Nova Scotia politics from 1945 to 2020.

The story ranges from Angus L. Macdonald, who won a crushing election victory in 1945 after a bitter falling-out with prime minister Mackenzie King, to Stephen McNeil, who provoked the first-ever teachers' strike yet won the first back-to-back majorities in thirty years. It covers premiers from the calm intellectual Robert Stanfield, to the acerbic outsider Donald Cameron, to the aloof reformer John Savage, and highlights trailblazers like Gladys Porter, Wayne Adams, and Donald Marshall Jr.

Nova Scotia politics has seen an almost unnatural focus on jobs, roads, and corruption. Steele doesn't shy away from the controversial parts of our political history: the trial of Gerald Regan for sexual crimes; the political pressure that led to the opening of the ill-starred Westray mine; and the environmental racism that pumped effluent into Boat Harbour for fifty years.

This is a book for anyone interested in modern Nova Scotia history or politics. It's for the avid politics-watcher, of course, but also for the new voter, the newcomer, the new parent, the newly retired—anyone who wants some historical depth by which to understand today's politics.

Steele pulls together the threads of history, adding original stories and archival research to the existing rich vein of historical writing, and then applies his own political experience to find the through lines that tie together past, present, and future.

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Working from Home for a Harmonious Life /store/working-from-home-for-a-harmonious-life.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=working-from-home-for-a-harmonious-life Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:11 +0000 /store/working-from-home-for-a-harmonious-life Since Luc Desroches began working from his home office in 2016, he has been writing about how the move has allowed him to create a more harmonious life for both himself and his family. This book was mostly written pre-COVID-19, when working from home was more the exception than the rule. With almost every employee on the planet being encouraged to work from home where possible, COVID-19 has made the necessary transition from office to home more important than ever. Although there's an explosion of teleworking articles with best practice tips, the author delves much deeper into the personal experience as he reflects on the values and teachings of the Mi'kmaq people who have worked from their homes for over ten thousand years.

The deeper messages of the book are perennial, which is what we need as we face unprecedented challenges. Now is an opportunity for millions of people to make a more informed decision on whether they should continue working from home or return to their pre-COVID workplaces. Now is a potential tipping point that could lead to a happier and healthier life for the individual and for society as a whole.

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Doing Time /store/doing-time.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doing-time Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:21 +0000 /store/doing-time Poetry can address our most intimate, frightened, hopeful selves. Langille found this to be true as she introduced poems to men and women in prison and gave writing assignments based on the discussions these poems inspired. Over and over participants shared private moments of self-awareness. The support they gave each other and the stories they told were profound. This book puts to rest many of the myths we have about inmates. It confirms both that people cannot be reduced to their worst deeds and that creative expression has a central place in the process of rehabilitation. Most pointedly, Langille's work reveals how, by failing the men and women behind bars, the prison system harms us all.

Participants in these workshops were complicated people. As Bryan Stevenson, an attorney who fights for the wrongfully accused on death row, says, "People are more than the worst thing we've ever done ... Even if you kill someone, you're not just a killer." Doing Time makes us rethink the myths we have about inmates and gives us insights into the force of trauma and the power of dignity. We get a glimpse of what goes on in a prison system and we learn, as Langille learned, from the men and women she worked with.

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The Peddlers /store/the-peddlers.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-peddlers Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:59 +0000 The Peddlers is the story of the leading roles some Nova Scotians played in the North American door-to-door sales profession in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It starts with the life of Nova Scotia-born Alfred C. Fuller, the Fuller Brush Man, whose humble upbringing in the Annapolis Valley laid the foundation for what became one of the biggest businesses of its type in the world.

It also follows the career of Yarmouth County's Frank Stanley Beveridge, who co-founded the highly successful Stanley Home Products company. From the tough times of the 1920s and 1930s, the story showcases the Lebanese immigrant backpack peddler Herman Rofihe who established a quality men's wear store that served three generations.

The Peddlers takes you on a door-to-door tour of the origins of household brands like Minard's and Sloan's Liniment, JR Watkins and Rawleigh Products, Fraser's Liniment, Gates Little Gem Pills, Buckley Cough Syrups, Muskol, and other medicinal enterprises founded by peddlers, many of them Nova Scotians. It also chronicles a century-old Hants County murder case involving two young peddlers — one the victim, the other the perpetrator.

Filled with these fascinating stories of Nova Scotia's history in the door-to-door trade, The Peddlers is a tribute to the men and women of a bygone era in merchandising, the likes of which will never be seen again.

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The Tides of Time /store/the-tides-of-time.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-tides-of-time Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:40 +0000 /store/the-tides-of-time Set in northeastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, The Tides of Time: A Nova Scotia Book of Seasons paints vivid portraits of contemporary labourers whose harvests mark the rhythms of the seasonal year. Each of the twelve monthly chapters tells the story of a labour unique to that month, including jobs like tuna fishing, cranberry farming, maple syrup production, sheep farming, beekeeping, lobster fishing, and foraging for wild mushrooms. Stewart revitalizes an older, contemplative view of the sacredness of time. In keeping with the genre of nature writing, her book offers a meticulous way of looking at the world as she blends first-hand observations of seasonal change with stories of the labourers. The Tides of Time offers a refuge from the rush of urban life. It turns to the seasons, rural life and literature for an alternative mode of time, which is fluid, rhythmic, and gentle. The symplicity is there—close at hand.

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time /store/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:31 +0000 /store/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-2 Annabel's coffee adventures took her from a wet, dreary market in northern England to the Canadian Prairies via a PhD in Central America. She gradually mastered the art of juggling a start-up business, her thesis, and a five-month-old baby at the same time, and negotiated emigration bureaucracy, a few disastrous business relationships, and the brutality of Canadian winters. This is the real story of coffee entrepreneurship, with all the grim, impossible, frustrating, and messy bits left in. Because they all seemed like a good idea at the time.

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Redemption Songs /store/redemption-songs.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=redemption-songs Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:30:51 +0000 /store/redemption-songs Redemption Songs tells the extraordinary story of how one of Bob Marley's greatest songs was born in Nova Scotia. It opens with Marley's live acoustic performance of Redemption Song at the end of his life, and reveals that the core lyric comes from a speech Marcus Garvey delivered in Sydney, Nova Scotia, in 1937.

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Politics on Edge /store/politics-on-edge.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=politics-on-edge Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:20:05 +0000 /store/politics-on-edge Paul MacEwan (1943-2017) was a singular politician, an outlier who successfully pushed the limits of Nova Scotia’s political norms over the longest continuous service record in the history of the […]

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Cultivating Success /store/cultivating-success.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cultivating-success Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:14:52 +0000 /store/cultivating-success Louis Deveau was born in the Acadian village of Salmon River, Digby County, NS, in the early years of the Great Depression. He inherited his father's work ethic and his mother's entrepreneurial flair, soon pioneering the creation of the commercial crab industry?now the second-largest fishery in Atlantic Canada. That work put him on the front lines of the industry he would transform over a lifetime: the seaweed business.

At forty-nine, Louis incorporated Acadian Seaplants Limited (ASL), and doggedly grew the company by capitalizing on research and development innovations. Today, ASL employs hundreds of people in more than a dozen nations, keeps a research staff of about fifty, and exports a wide range of products to over eighty nations worldwide.

With dozens of black and white photos and two colour inserts, this comprehensive biography tells the story of a visionary whose determination to build a successful business in Nova Scotia, and whose commitment to church, family, community, and Acadian culture transformed ASL into a world-leading, research- and technology-driven juggernaut.

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« Merci de nous avoir choisis » /store/merci-de-nous-avoir-choisis.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=merci-de-nous-avoir-choisis Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:03:28 +0000 /store/merci-de-nous-avoir-choisis Est-ce qu'on naît entrepreneur ou est-ce qu'on apprend à le devenir? « Merci de nous avoir choisis » cherche à répondre à cette fameuse question en examinant l'histoire fascinante des magnats des affaires Arthur Irving et K.C. Irving, et celle d'Irving Oil.

Un observateur aguerri a écrit au sujet des Irving : « Qu'on les aime ou qu'on les haïsse, on se doit de les respecter. » S'appuyant sur d'innombrables entrevues et des recherches approfondies, l'auteur primé Donald J. Savoie (Se débrouiller par ses propres moyens) examine en détail le succès d'une entreprise qui a vu le jour à Bouctouche et qui a grandi à Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, et qui exploite maintenant la plus grande raffinerie de pétrole au Canada, ainsi que plus d'un millier de stations-service réparties dans l'Est du Canada, la Nouvelle-Angleterre et l'Irlande. L'entreprise a également des bureaux à Amsterdam et à Londres et exploite la seule raffinerie en Irlande.

Comme l'a dit K.C. Irving, on n'est jamais assuré de garder les clients; il faut gagner leur fidélité une personne à la fois. « Merci de nous avoir choisis » retrace l'histoire de la famille Irving depuis ses origines en Écosse, couvre la création et les premières années de l'entreprise et étudie la façon dont Irving Oil fait face aux défis actuels. Cette biographie exhaustive fournit des enseignements précieux pour les aspirants entrepreneurs, les écoles de commerce, les politiques publiques et, en particulier, le Canada atlantique.

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