General History – lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:16:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 The Volunteers /store/the-volunteers.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-volunteers Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:19:05 +0000 /store/the-volunteers The long-awaited narrative history of the women who volunteered in Nova Scotia during the Second World War by award-winning journalist and author of No Place to Go. “I was home […]

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100 Things You Don’t Know lisa·èÂíÐã Nova Scotia /store/100-things-you-dont-know-about-nova-scotia.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=100-things-you-dont-know-about-nova-scotia Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:40:08 +0000 /store/100-things-you-dont-know-about-nova-scotia.html/100-things-you-dont-know-about-nova-scotia Inspired by the success of her popular Halifax Magazine column, "50 Things You Don't Know about Halifax," Sawler has expanded her focus to include interesting anecdotes and facts about the social, political, economic, and cultural history of Nova Scotia.

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Irish /store/irish.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=irish Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:37:28 +0000 /store/irish.html/irish Part of the series about the people who have come to the Maritimes. Their origins, settlement and cultural heritage which have given much to our Maritime life.

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Daring, Devious and Deadly /store/daring-devious-and-deadly.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=daring-devious-and-deadly Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:49 +0000 /store/daring-devious-and-deadly Welcome to a rogues' gallery of murderers and pirates, a pair of brazen bank robbers and a fraud artist who fooled Halifax's elite. A supporting cast includes a wise-cracking Cape Breton judge, legendary journalist-turned-politician Joseph Howe, circus showman P.T. Barnum, and future prime minister John Thompson. Daring, Devious and Deadly is a collection of fifteen true tales of crime and justice that spans more than 150 years of Nova Scotia's history, from a triple murder in 1791 at a farm near Lunenburg to 1947, when Angus Walters, skipper of the racing schooner Bluenose, was attacked in the pages of an American magazine.

The stories are drawn from communities across the province, from Sydney and Amherst to Halifax, from the rugged coast of the Eastern Shore to the historic town of Annapolis Royal. Filled with surprising twists and courtroom drama, these stories of greed, murder and vengeance offer a window on the past. But justice can be far from blind. Religious hatred, partisan rivalry, social status, ethnicity, or political corruption sometimes invaded the courtroom, threatening to upset the delicate balance between guilt and innocence. Was justice done in each of these cases? You be the judge.

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Rum Tales /store/rum-tales.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rum-tales Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:40 +0000 /store/rum-tales Welcome to The Shop.

Arthur Benjamin Lohnes was proprietor of a small country store known locally as The Shop in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, from 1919 through 1957. AB, as he was called, provided a welcoming haven to people eager to indulge in the venerable art of loafing and storytelling. The yarns were spun by some of the most colourful characters of the first half of the twentieth century.

With the blessing of their wives, menfolk met there regularly around the warmth of AB?s pot-bellied stove, a cozy forum in which to relate experiences and share their concerns of the day. The practice was carried out almost to the point of ceremony. Starring actors in this pageant of patriarchs ranged from grizzled old blue water sea captains through ordinary seamen to shore fishermen, a preacher, store owner, and a part-time postmaster. The tales are spliced with a biographical narrative – glimpses of adventures and misadventures ? of a gentle, kindly woman, once a child, to whom the book is dedicated.

The tales recounted within the walls of AB?s store take the reader back to a bygone era of daily poverty and everyday adventures in a coastal Nova Scotian community. Thanks to these storytellers, the past survives and comes alive for the modern reader.

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Where Duty Lies /store/where-duty-lies.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=where-duty-lies Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:17 +0000 /store/where-duty-lies Frank Grimmer did not set out to earn honours on the field of battle nor did he readily choose to go to war. World powers were shifting. The future of nations was deemed dependant on their armies. It was left to the young men to face the gunfire of other young men who could have been friends under the right circumstances and in times of peace. Where Duty Lies tells the story of how a 23-year-old St. Andrews, New Brunswick, man ended up in the quicksand-like mud of Passchendaele labouring under heavy artillery fire helping construct supply lines that supported the Canadian advance during the Third Battle of Ypres, often referred to as the most horrific in a war of horrific battles.

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The Mill /store/the-mill.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-mill Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:51 +0000 /store/the-mill.html/the-mill The Mill --Fifty Years of Pulp and Protest explores the power that a single industry can wield. For fifty years, the pulp mill near Pictou in northern Nova Scotia has buoyed the local economy and found support from governments at all levels. But it has also pulped millions of acres of forests, spewed millions of tonnes of noxious emissions into the air, consumed quadrillions of litres of fresh water and then pumped them out again as toxic effluent into nearby Boat Harbour, and eventually into the Northumberland Strait.

From the day it began operation in 1967, the mill has fomented protest and created deep divisions and tensions in northern Nova Scotia. This story is about people whose livelihoods depend on the pulp mill and who are willing to live with the "smell of money." It's about people whose well-being, health, homes, water, air, and businesses have been harmed by the mill's emissions and effluent. It's about the heartache such divisions cause and about people who, for the sake of peace, keep their thoughts about the mill to themselves.

But it's also about hope, giving voice to those who led the successive groups that have protested and campaigned for a cleaner mill--First Nations, fishers, doctors, local councillors, tourism operators, artists and musicians, teachers and woodlot owners. Their personal stories are interwoven into a historical arc that traces the mill's origins and the persistent environmental and social problems it causes to this day.

Baxter weaves a rich tapestry of storytelling, relevant to everyone who is concerned about how we can start to renegotiate the relationship between economy, jobs, and profits on one hand, and human well-being, health, and the environment on the other. The Mill tells a local story with global relevance and appeal.

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The Legacy Letters /store/the-legacy-letters.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-legacy-letters Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:48 +0000 /store/the-legacy-letters.html/the-legacy-letters Halifax author and journalist Janice Landry returns to her roots, as she revisits high-profile Canadian police investigations she covered as a novice television reporter during the 1980s and 1990s. One story involves the unsolved murder of British Columbia teenager Andrea King, whose remains were found in 1992, in Nova Scotia woods, nearly a year after she disappeared. Landry also discusses the 1989 disappearance of Nova Scotia teenager Kimberly McAndrew, who was last seen leaving a Halifax Canadian Tire store where she worked. McAndrew remains missing.

The victims and families have had a major impact on Landry and the public. She hopes this book leads to a break in both cases, as well as other unsolved crimes. It will also shed light on the pain the families continue to endure.

Landry also speaks with Canadians from five provinces, including first responders and front-line workers. These men and women bravely discuss how trauma, in and out of their work, has profoundly affected their lives, loved ones, and outlook.

The author and her guests each have written a "Legacy Letter" for the public. Each letter is deeply personal and conveys a heartfelt message of loss and hope. This book is Landry's attempt to help them regain some of what has been lost.

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Rescue at Moose River /store/rescue-at-moose-river.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rescue-at-moose-river Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:45 +0000 /store/rescue-at-moose-river.html/rescue-at-moose-river On Easter weekend in 1936, three men went down into an old rundown gold mine at Moose River in a remote area of Nova Scotia. While below, they became trapped by a massive cave-in at the 141-foot level. One man was a pediatrician, the second a young lawyer, and the third the mining company timekeeper. They had entered the mine to assess its potential for possible sale to an unnamed United States interest.

With the heroic efforts of more than 150 men and women volunteers, including local miners, hard rock miners from Ontario, draegermen from Pictou County, and a tenacious young diamond drill operator from Pictou County, two of the men were recovered alive. The third man died underground on the eighth day of their entombment.

Halifax broadcaster J. Frank Willis made history with his live reports from the mine head that were broadcast on more than 700 radio stations around the world, including the major U.S. networks and the BBC. It marked the beginning of a new era in broadcasting and in journalism. Until then, radio was known chiefly as a music and entertainment medium; news gathering and reporting had been the bailiwick of newspapers and newswire services.

Little did Willis know when he filed his first report from the site that he was making broadcast history by pioneering live on-the-spot reporting. It would change the face of broadcasting forever. Rescue at Moose River is the story of how these two events, one tragic, one historic, came together in the backwoods of Nova Scotia more than 80 years ago.

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Seven Grains of Paradise /store/seven-grains-of-paradise.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=seven-grains-of-paradise Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:24 +0000 /store/seven-grains-of-paradise.html/seven-grains-of-paradise Seven Grains of Paradise tells the fascinating and much neglected story about many kinds of food in Africa, a continent with a rich farming tradition, intricate cuisines, and a multitude of food cultures.

Here is the story of Baxter's personal quest to learn about some fascinating and new (to her) foods in a handful of countries in sub-Sahara Africa as she visits African farms, markets, restaurants, and kitchens. The people who grow, sell, buy, prepare, and serve the foods help her explore the riddles of a continent better known for hunger than for its plentiful food resources. The author draws on stories and research conducted over the more than thirty years she has lived and worked in Africa.

From the fabled city of Timbuktu on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert to the rainforests of Central Africa, readers are invited along on a delightful journey of learning and eating--and some drinking too, of invigorating indigenous beverages, brews, and palm wine straight from the trees. The culinary journey takes the reader down garden paths, into forests that double as farms, through the chaos of markets, and into modest little roadside eateries.

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