Biographies – lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa疯马秀 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:16:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Mona Parsons /store/mona-parsons.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mona-parsons Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:39:46 +0000 /store/mona-parsons.html/mona-parsons Even as a young girl growing up in Nova Scotia, Mona Louise Parsons stood out for her elegance and theatrical flair. But the life of this Wolfville native has always overshadowed her stage roles. From a Nova Scotian childhood, she became a 1920s New York chorus girl, a Depression-era nurse, a prisoner of the Nazis, and an escaped, emaciated fugitive who walked across Nazi Germany in the dying months of World War II.

The process of uncovering the story of Mona Parsons took almost as many twists and turns as the life it was piecing together. This book traces the author's own journey as she follows clues from Wolfville to New York to Europe and back, leaping across oceans and decades with imagination and grace.

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The Race to the Bottom /store/the-race-to-the-bottom.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-race-to-the-bottom Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:17 +0000 /store/the-race-to-the-bottom This is the story of one man's hobby and its overwhelmingly positive effect physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally on his life. The hobby is scuba diving, but not on the reefs of southern seas. This is about diving in Halifax Harbour. Diving summer and winter in one of the biggest and deepest harbours in the world has given Bob a view of history that few will ever witness.

Inquisitive and energetic, the author spins yarns about the strange and fascinating objects he finds and the hair-raising moments he has experienced, from coming to the surface and seeing the boat drifting out of sight to arriving on the surface in a snowstorm and having to navigate by compass to find the shore.

The bottom of Halifax Harbour has collected artifacts over the centuries from around the world. Each find gets picked up, cleaned, researched, and documented. The author's database is a gold mine of little details about what arrived, eventually got dumped into the ocean, and is now sitting on display at home and in museums as a reminder of what once was.

The author takes the reader under warships, container ships, and tugboats, through huge docks, and under the ice. Along the way, he reflects on the toll that our civilization is taking on the ocean, of seagulls trying to break open golf balls to find food, of crabs trapped inside tires, and fish that take refuge in castoff bottles and grow too big to stay in but also too big to get out.

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Ode to the Unpraised /store/ode-to-the-unpraised.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ode-to-the-unpraised Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:08 +0000 /store/ode-to-the-unpraised-2 In The Way We Hold On, Abena writes, "This life can be a poem if you let it." Ode to the Unpraised is a demonstration of those words. It is an invitation to readers to see their own lives as treasure troves based on real people with whom they rub shoulders in present time. It is a reminder to revel in the noteworthiness of those among them and a call to see the fortitude of their own lived and explored lives.

Insightful and experimental, Ode to the Unpraised explores the practical knowledge, life lessons, and personal essence of women in Canada and Ghana through conversation, prose, and poems. Those featured are located in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Ghana. This book was born out of Abena's curiosity about her late grandmother's humble yet textured life as a wife, homemaker, and respected community member.

After a missed opportunity to gather her grandmother's personal reflections, Abena extended her reach to elders, peers, and other relatives to collect their experiences. She discovered captivating figures, expressed through first-person reflection, second-person narration, and poetry in parallel. Ode to the Unpraised is a rewarding concoction of multigenerational missteps, wisdom, and pleasures. It includes a Ghanaian returnee's lament about the plastic waste on Accra's streets, a mother's conviction to preserve local languages, and a farmer's humble collaboration with both heaven and earth.

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Against the Grain /store/against-the-grain.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=against-the-grain Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:07 +0000 /store/against-the-grain John Savage was ready to leave Wales. Fed up with the National Health System, his frustrations grew daily. The back of a medical journal advertised that the town of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, was seeking medical professionals, and John was ready for a fresh start.

Many knew Dr. Savage as their physician. Others speak about his time as mayor of Dartmouth. Yet most remember him as Nova Scotia's twenty-third premier. He entered politics because he didn't like the way things were done. He had ideas, opinions, and a vision to transform a province drowning in debt and stuck in old ways. He was responsible for an amalgamation that is still of great debate, a controversial harmonized sales tax, a world-renowned emergency health system, two new casinos that met with petitions and scandal, and the list goes on. And while all of these historic reforms will forever be linked to John Savage, this is just a small fragment of a much larger legacy.

John Savage orchestrated the building of ball fields and medical clinics and pushed for sex education in the schools. Locally, he worked with addicts and alcoholics, but he also brought medical supplies and assistance to countries lacking basic necessities. He was never interested in doing what was popular. From tackling the health and education systems to making turn-the-province-on-its head decisions while premier, John was determined to change the way things were done. Against the Grain chronicles how he fought the status quo with unwavering conviction to leave a lasting legacy that would change the province of Nova Scotia forever.

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In Two Voices /store/in-two-voices.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=in-two-voices Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:56 +0000 For a decade, Linda Clarke and Dr. Michael Cusimano had offices across from one another at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. She worked in Clinical Ethics and he was a staff neurosurgeon. They knew one another to say hello, to nod as they passed one another on the stairs, to wish each other a Merry Christmas. Michael's patients sat in the chairs along that shared hallway, waiting for their appointment with him. For ten years, Linda heard their talk outside her door, smiled at them as she passed by, tried to give them their privacy. She was always impressed by the things people endured.

Ten years into her work, Linda got sick; she left her job and, weeks later, she sat in one of those hallway chairs, waiting for her appointment with Dr. Cusimano. In the blink of an eye, she was a neurosurgery patient and he was her surgeon.

Linda and Michael wrote In Two Voices together: it is the intimate account of Linda's surgery with Michael as her surgeon. The story builds a piece at a time as Linda and Michael tell each other their experience and then respond to one another's writing. As the relationship shifts from one of patient and surgeon to one of Linda and Michael as colleagues and friends, they encounter surprises as their trust and mutual understanding develop. Here is an unprecedented view into the experiences of illness, care, and compassion, an intimate picture of the experiences, challenges, skills, and commitment of a surgeon. The worlds of both surgeon and patient are framed by a most critical and delicate surgical procedure.

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One Strong Girl /store/one-strong-girl.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=one-strong-girl-2 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:43 +0000 /store/one-strong-girl-2 One Strong Girl is a mother's vivid account of what it is like to lose her daughter, India, to a rare debilitating disease. The story is a bold description of what it means to deal with deep sorrow and still find balance and beauty in an age steeped in the denial of death. At ten, India climbed the highest on the rope at gymnastics, yet by sixteen was so weak she was unable to even dress herself. The narrative follows the six-year fight for answers from the medical community. Finally, after the genetic testing of India's DNA, it was discovered there were two mutations on her ASAH1 gene, a deadly combination. Today her cells are alive in a research lab at the University of Ottawa. This is a legacy that cuts both ways, a point of pride and pain. One Strong Girl is a story of what it's like to outlive an only child. It describes the intensity of loving a dying child and most importantly, the joy to be found, even amidst the sorrow.

The post One Strong Girl appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time /store/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:31 +0000 /store/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-2 Annabel's coffee adventures took her from a wet, dreary market in northern England to the Canadian Prairies via a PhD in Central America. She gradually mastered the art of juggling a start-up business, her thesis, and a five-month-old baby at the same time, and negotiated emigration bureaucracy, a few disastrous business relationships, and the brutality of Canadian winters. This is the real story of coffee entrepreneurship, with all the grim, impossible, frustrating, and messy bits left in. Because they all seemed like a good idea at the time.

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Where Duty Lies /store/where-duty-lies.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=where-duty-lies Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:17 +0000 /store/where-duty-lies Frank Grimmer did not set out to earn honours on the field of battle nor did he readily choose to go to war. World powers were shifting. The future of nations was deemed dependant on their armies. It was left to the young men to face the gunfire of other young men who could have been friends under the right circumstances and in times of peace. Where Duty Lies tells the story of how a 23-year-old St. Andrews, New Brunswick, man ended up in the quicksand-like mud of Passchendaele labouring under heavy artillery fire helping construct supply lines that supported the Canadian advance during the Third Battle of Ypres, often referred to as the most horrific in a war of horrific battles.

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Waking Up in my Own Backyard /store/waking-up-in-my-own-backyard.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=waking-up-in-my-own-backyard Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:54 +0000 /store/waking-up-in-my-own-backyard.html/waking-up-in-my-own-backyard Join Sandra Phinney as she embarks on 31-day summer odyssey that takes place within a 100 kilometre radius from her home in rural Nova Scotia. This memoir is a journey of self-discovery wherein the author experiences the adventure of a lifetime in her own backyard. Two powerful themes flow throughout the narrative: the importance of friendships and the richness of rural living.

You won't find what's included in Waking Up In My Own Backyard in a typical visitor's guide, but it will undoubtedly become an indispensable guide for locals and travellers alike. Phinney is an extraordinary tour guide. You will want to follow in her footsteps.

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Random Shots /store/random-shots.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=random-shots Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:41 +0000 /store/random-shots.html/random-shots Random Shots tells the stories of survival against the odds, the life of a well-travelled risking-taking Maritime son. Fortunate to have survived numerous near misses during the lead-up to his eightieth trip around the Sun, Mossman has much to be grateful for along the paths taken to adventure.

As a strong defense over the passage of time, memory is everything. As narrator, Mossman, aided by diaries and recordings across the years, shares with vivid insight his travelling experiences in and around Lesotho, Northwest Territories, Gabon, the Bay of Fundy, Australia, the Congo, Zambia, Nunavut, New Zealand, the offshore Atlantic Ocean, Ontario, and Brazil.

Survival--the act of staying alive despite the odds--is the theme of the book. Many of these stories of adventure took place in a world far from the one with which most people are familiar. They are at once both startling and revealing and told with a bold style and wit that the author's fans will immediately recognize.

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