Lori Hanson – lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa疯马秀 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:02:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Much Madness, Divinest Sense /store/much-madness-divinest-sense.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=much-madness-divinest-sense Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:31:12 +0000 /store/much-madness-divinest-sense.html/much-madness-divinest-sense It is time to shed some light on the dark halls and windowless rooms where women's mental health has been hidden from view. Where are the stories? Where are their voices? In historical and psychiatric records, women's mental health is reduced to verifiable symptoms and causes, devoid of the subjective, absent of the lived experience. When confronted with their protestations and self-representations, our medical system and our societal institutions further pathologize, retrauamtize or silence women. Much Madness, Divinest Sense is a collection of women's stories and essays about mental health and health care. These women--physicians, psychotherapists, social workers, community activists, health researchers, Indigenous women, transgender women, our neighbors, daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers who are the recipients, providers and critics of care--break the silence to talk about the polluted, heart-wrenching, stigmatized, messy subject that is mental illness today. As with their first collection, Women Who Care: Women's stories of health care and caring, the stories, essays and poems of women receiving, accompanying, critiquing or giving mental health care are again in this compilation as raw as they are real.

The post Much Madness, Divinest Sense appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Women Who Care /store/women-who-care.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=women-who-care-2 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:56:28 +0000 /store/women-who-care-2 Nili Kaplan-Myrth, MD, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and physician. She has expertise in determinants of health, women's health, disability studies and Indigenous self-determination in health, with a strong commitment to action-based qualitative research, feminism and social justice. Her three wonderful children, her friends and family haven't let her quit medicine yet.
Lori Hanson, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Community Health and Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan with interests in community activism, gender and development, health equity, sexual and reproductive health, health promotion, and transformative education. In her spare time, she raises her two sets of twins and works with a great group of community and university women involved in the Saskatoon Women's Community Coalition.

Patricia Thille, BSc (PT), MA, is a former physical therapist and health services researcher. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Calgary and balances her academic work with community outreach as a healthy sexuality educator with Venus Envy.

The post Women Who Care appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Women Who Care /store/women-who-care.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=women-who-care Thu, 09 Jun 2022 02:33:51 +0000 /store/women-who-care.html/women-who-care Nili Kaplan-Myrth, MD, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and physician. She has expertise in determinants of health, women's health, disability studies and Indigenous self-determination in health, with a strong commitment to action-based qualitative research, feminism and social justice. Her three wonderful children, her friends and family haven't let her quit medicine yet.
Lori Hanson, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Community Health and Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan with interests in community activism, gender and development, health equity, sexual and reproductive health, health promotion, and transformative education. In her spare time, she raises her two sets of twins and works with a great group of community and university women involved in the Saskatoon Women's Community Coalition.

Patricia Thille, BSc (PT), MA, is a former physical therapist and health services researcher. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Calgary and balances her academic work with community outreach as a healthy sexuality educator with Venus Envy.

The post Women Who Care appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.
