Memoirs – lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa疯马秀 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:40:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 We Keep a Light – lisa疯马秀 Classic /store/we-keep-a-light-nimbus-classic.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=we-keep-a-light-nimbus-classic Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:40:16 +0000 /store/we-keep-a-light-nimbus-classic In We Keep A Light, Evelyn M. Richardson describes how she and her husband bought tiny Bon Portage Island and built a happy life there for themselves and their three children. On an isolated lighthouse station off the southern tip of Nova Scotia, the Richardsons shared the responsibilities and pleasures of island living, from carrying water and collecting firewood to making preserves and studying at home. The close-knit family didn't mind their isolation, and found delight in the variety and beauty of island life.

We Keep A Light is much more than a memoir. It is an exquisitely written, engrossing record of family life set against a glowing lighthouse, the enduring shores of Nova Scotia, and the ever-changing sea.

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The Perfect Day and Other Stories /store/the-perfect-day-and-other-stories.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-perfect-day-and-other-stories Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:27 +0000 /store/the-perfect-day-and-other-stories Favourably reviewing Harry Bruce's Down Home: Notes of a Native Son more than 30 years ago, a critic in The Globe and Mail reported that it was from this book he'd learned that Nova Scotians often judged people or things on an ascending scale of merit that went like this: "good, some good, right some good, or right some Jesus good." Down Home, he decided, was "right some good."

Other critics have been less reticent. Bruce's writing has inspired them to call him no less than "a consummate storyteller"; to marvel over his "magnetic style and marvelous command of the language"; to declare his prose "highly entertaining and gloriously informative"; and to insist that "only the spiritually dead or terminally obtuse could fail to come away from it richer for the experience." lisa疯马秀 one collection of his works a reviewer decided, "We are obviously in the hands of a master." Surely a master is right some Jesus good.

And now, The Perfect Day and Other Stories offers the best of Bruce's best essays. From the sweet pain of first love and leaving home to the horrors of killer wasps, bloodthirsty flies, and marauding mice, from the relief experienced in every outhouse in the pines to the joy resounding from neighbourhood curling on a Scottish laird's frozen pond, from the magic mist that sneaks into a ghost village on an abandoned island off Lunenburg to the sheer glory that parades of tall ships grant to great ports around the world, from fogs, bats, cats, and coyotes to the whales, thrones, stags, and steeples that make Atlantic Canada unique...they're all here, and more, in Harry's latest collection.

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No Thanks, I Want to Walk /store/no-thanks-i-want-to-walk.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=no-thanks-i-want-to-walk Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:34:20 +0000 /store/no-thanks-i-want-to-walk "I found that the landscape had a deep effect on my mood: cliffs towering above, a narrow strip of earth to follow, the vast ocean opening up before me. I felt changed."

After completing a 3,000-kilometre hike of coastal Nova Scotia and making a number of dramatic changes in her life, Emily Taylor Smith is compelled to undertake another Maritime journey on foot, this time following the coastline of New Brunswick and the Gasp茅 all the way to Quebec City.

She plans a solitary trip, searching for life lessons along the way and carrying everything she needs with her on her back. Emily severely underestimates the Fundy Footpath, struggles to communicate in French, nearly throws in the towel at the tip of Kouchibouguac Park, and survives a sleepless night in a collapsed tent on the windy Gasp茅 shore.

What she doesn't count on is the support which appears daily in the form of roadside messages, random gifts of ice cream, generous postmistresses and flag collectors, and help that comes from within. The challenging regimen of 45 kilometres a day for two months is transcended by a growing spiritual bond with the landscape that keeps her moving forward.

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Halifax and Me /store/halifax-and-me.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=halifax-and-me Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:55 +0000 /store/halifax-and-me In 1971, Harry Bruce, recognized as one of Canada's top non-fiction writers, lost his mind鈥攁ccording to his peers鈥攚hen he left bustling, lucrative Toronto and moved his family to the tough little seaport of Halifax.

Harry was already acquainted with Halifax; at eighteen, he lived at HMCS Stadacona as an officer-cadet in the Royal Canadian Navy. He joined the navy chiefly to lose his virginity. "For what finer way could there be to serve queen and country?" Though he did not achieve his goal, that summer gave him his first whiffs of the port whose magnetism he would one day find irresistible.

He settled in Halifax鈥攁nd he moved away. Several times, in fact, even going as far as Vancouver. Yet he kept returning to Halifax. Each time he found it had changed for the better and was a little less like the "racist, boring, City of the Living Dead" that comedian Cathy Jones called it forty years ago, and a little more like the lively, welcoming, cosmopolitan town he hoped it would be.

For the past fifty years, Harry Bruce has been working as what The Concise Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature calls "an impassioned advocate for the Maritimes and an essayist of great charm and perception." Here, writing more charmingly and perceptively than ever, he celebrates the blossoming of Halifax as "A City to Dance In."

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Teaching at the Top of the World /store/teaching-at-the-top-of-the-world.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=teaching-at-the-top-of-the-world Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:35 +0000 /store/teaching-at-the-top-of-the-world This memoir is a love story of sorts that expresses great respect for Inuit people, their culture, and the magnificent Arctic landscape. It is told from the perspective of a non-Inuit woman, who has lived and worked within an isolated, cross-cultural environment. Odette and YoAnne learned quickly that to be successful northern teachers, you must enter into the lives of your students and their rich culture in meaningful and significant ways. Outside of their regular school day, they enthusiastically participated in community activities; they ate Northern foods; they snowmobiled out onto the land to take part in camping, fishing, and hunting activities; and they learned as much Inuktitut language as they could. In turn, the author and her partner were warmly welcomed and they were deeply touched by their complete acceptance as a lesbian couple in these remote places.

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Memoir /store/memoir.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=memoir Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:32 +0000 /store/memoir Memoir opens doors we could never ordinarily walk through鈥攊nto the lives of Olympians, queens, victims of war and other tragedies, teenage rock stars, former streetwalkers or geishas鈥攁long with the doors to the lives of extraordinary/ordinary people. The best memoirs are maps of the heart and mind, and Marjorie Simmins invites you to explore the map of your own life. Here are the probing questions and dynamic writing ideas, coupled with inspirational interviews with best-selling memoirists, to light your own imagination afire. How do you access the details of your earliest memories, make them immediate and dramatic? How do you drive the story forward? How do you make a stranger care about your life?

Memoir: Conversations and Craft is intended for any reader or writer who is fascinated by the renegade memoir form鈥攑ersonal life stories that demand to be read, refuse to be forgotten. Whether you wish to compile memories from childhood to share with grandchildren, or whether you burn with the makings of a literary memoir, this reflection on writing can galvanize you.

Donna Morrissey, Linden MacIntyre, Plum Johnson, Lawrence Hill, Edmund Metatawabin, Diane Schoemperlen, and Claire Mowat鈥攕ome of Canada's top fiction and non-fiction writers鈥攕peak with candour, humour, and compassion about their journeys to memoir. Often touching, always helpful and frank, the interviews cover a broad spectrum of the writing experience. The time to write a memoir is always now鈥攁nd the benefits are transformative.

The post Memoir appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

An Imperfect Healer /store/an-imperfect-healer.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=an-imperfect-healer Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:33:18 +0000 /store/an-imperfect-healer "She said she would pray for me. I asked her why. She said she prayed for many people. I asked her why. Stooped and frail, she wore the lassitude of ninety-seven years as transparently as she wore the pale blue wool sweater that seemed to grow from her shoulders. I had seen her before in the hurried and harried rounds I make here. My progress notes say repeatedly, 'No problems reported.' But today I took the time to listen."

Every patient tells a story. Drawing on a forty-year medical career, Dr. Larry Kramer has written about some of the people he has met along the way. The stories chronicle love and loss, tragedy and comedy, and empathetically observe patients who live and die, some with courage and some with fear. These accounts frame the story of one physician's life and how it was shaped, changed, and guided by those he encountered every day. The young, the old, the happy, the sad, and the suffering all bring gifts beyond measure.

Narratives of medicine are increasingly recognized as key components of the therapeutic experience. The Journal of the American Medical Association suggested in 2001, "Narrative medicine can examine and illuminate four of medicine's central narrative situations: physician and patient, physician and self, physician and colleagues, and physician and society." It enables patients, physicians, and others to be moved by stories of illness. Thus we share a common humanity. We all have stories. Our heroes are among us.

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Through Sunlight and Shadows /store/through-sunlight-and-shadows.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=through-sunlight-and-shadows Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:21 +0000 /store/through-sunlight-and-shadows Through Sunlight and Shadows is an autobiographical novel about a young boy set in the small New Brunswick town of Bannonbridge in the 1940s and 1950s. The story is told from the perspective of an older man, Walt Macbride, a character well known to readers of other Raymond Fraser novels.

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The Other Side of the Sun /store/the-other-side-of-the-sun.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-other-side-of-the-sun Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:32:06 +0000 /store/the-other-side-of-the-sun As one of the boat people refugees, Thien escaped war-torn Vietnam on a harrowing journey that landed him in a Malaysian refugee camp. Thien Tang had an ordinary childhood living in South Vietnam until it became a Communist state. His father feared persecution of his family and sent his fourteen-year-old son into hiding for over a year. Upon his return, Thien attended a local high school and found a classmate sweetheart. Life once again was good. But it wasn't meant to last. Thien was forced to go back into hiding again with no hope of return. Like thousands of others, he fled Vietnam on a crowded boat in search of a new life. But first he had to cross the treacherous South China Sea to reach Malaysia.

Thien's ship was attacked by pirates and shot at by police. On land, he and his fellow refuges were jailed, starved, and beaten, but survival only brought on tougher challenges. The soldiers forced them at gunpoint back into their damaged boat to be towed to sea. He sought asylum in the United States but found the refuge he was seeking in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, where he lives today.

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Memories on the Bounty /store/memories-on-the-bounty.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=memories-on-the-bounty Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:15:01 +0000 /store/memories-on-the-bounty In 1960, Roy Boutilier and twenty-four fellow Nova Scotians set sail for Tahiti aboard the newly built replica sailing ship Bounty. The ship stayed in Tahiti for almost a year while MGM Studios filmed the epic historical drama Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Marlon Brando.

Roy's year on Bounty and his experiences in Tahiti are themselves the stuff of movies. But it took a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease for Roy and his long-time friend, Janet Sanford, to realize that a fascinating story would be lost if someone didn't capture those memories.

And so began a series of Monday-morning meetings as Roy and the author embarked on a race against time. Memories on the Bounty goes far beyond re-telling Roy's story; it explores the boundaries of memory, the challenges of storytelling, the pain of saying goodbye, and the enduring bonds of friendship.

With dozens of never-before-seen photos from Bounty's maiden voyage and her time in Tahiti, Memories on the Bounty is a touching story of adventure, love, and loss.

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