Susan Farrell – lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Tue, 20 Feb 2024 22:40:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Basement Suite /store/basement-suite.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=basement-suite Tue, 20 Feb 2024 22:40:47 +0000 /store/basement-suite.html/basement-suite Eddy and Liz participate in a relationship study for extra cash and learn that they don’t share the same opinions about fidelity, sex, career or truth. In fact, they don’t understand each other. Eddy tries. Liz tires. Basement Suite is a sexy, cheeky look at another side of love.

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