Vernon Oickle – lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:59:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 South Shore Facts & Folklore /store/south-shore-facts-folklore.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=south-shore-facts-folklore Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:40:11 +0000 /store/south-shore-facts-folklore.html/south-shore-facts-folklore With a history that dates back centuries, Nova Scotia’s South Shore is filled with a diverse and eclectic range of cultures from all over the world. It has produced some of Nova Scotia’s most famous personalities, such as writer Thomas H. Raddall, painter Maud Lewis, and actor Donald Sutherland, just to name a few. It is the birthplace of the Bluenose. It is the balsam fir Christmas tree capital of the world, and its picturesque coastline make it a popular location for film shoots, including for The Scarlet Letter, Pit Pony, and The Shipping News.

The region’s history, geography, and culture are presented here as fun and occasionally quirky factoids in the newest edition of the “Facts and Folklore” series. With a map and 20 images interspersed throughout, South Shore Facts and Folklore is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn more about the region.

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The Home Sweet Home Nova Scotia Collection (Box Set) /store/the-home-sweet-home-nova-scotia-collection-box-set.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-home-sweet-home-nova-scotia-collection-box-set-2 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:27:06 +0000 /store/the-home-sweet-home-nova-scotia-collection-box-set-2 The Home Sweet Home Nova Scotia Collection introduces children to where they live or visit. With enchanting illustrations and a gentle writing style, this three-book box collection takes young readers […]

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Grandma’s Home Remedies /store/grandmas-home-remedies.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=grandmas-home-remedies Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:26:59 +0000 /store/grandmas-home-remedies You have a hangnail or a bad sunburn. You have an upset stomach, or you’ve suffered an insect bite that won’t stop itching. You have a boil, warts, chapped lips, […]

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Forerunners /store/forerunners.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=forerunners Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:26:53 +0000 /store/forerunners Did you see someone who really wasn?t there? Did you hear three unexplained knocks on your door or window, or when you were alone, did someone whisper your name in […]

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So you think you know Nova Scotia /store/so-you-think-you-know-nova-scotia.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=so-you-think-you-know-nova-scotia Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:26:25 +0000 /store/so-you-think-you-know-nova-scotia Even the most ardent trivia buff won’t be able to answer all 1000 of these questions without searching for the answers. We double-dog dare you to give it a try. […]

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The Second Movement /store/the-second-movement.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-second-movement Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:26:00 +0000 /store/the-second-movement Do you know Canada's oldest general store is in Nova Scotia? Or that the last British soldier killed in the First World War was born here? Or that the first UFO sighting in North America was recorded on October 12, 1796 in what today is New Minas? Did you know the world's smallest operating drawbridge is located in Yarmouth County? Or that Minard's Liniment was created here in the 1860s to relieve muscle pain and stiffness, back pain and arthritis pain?

From the creation of grape nut ice cream to the birthplace of Freemasonry in Canada, to the oldest farmers' market in the country, the largest wooden church in North America and the world's largest apple, The Second Movement is the book that should be in every self-respecting Nova Scotian's outhouse.

The post The Second Movement appeared first on lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Queens County /store/queens-county.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=queens-county Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:25:50 +0000 /store/queens-county Queens County: A History in Pictures offers the definitive look at the county and its people. Since 1929, the Queens County Historical Society has been collecting photographs of the people, industry, landscapes and events of Queens County. To date, the collection contains more than 40,000 photographs and thousands of artifacts.

Over the years, many historical figures, including baseball legend Babe Ruth, renowned author Zane Grey, and famed Chicago financier Thomas Howell, have come to fish, hunt and discover the riches of the area's land and sea. This collection captures that history like never before. You can almost hear the call of the wild and the roar of the ocean.

The post Queens County appeared first on lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press.

More Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia /store/more-ghost-stories-of-nova-scotia.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=more-ghost-stories-of-nova-scotia Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:24:56 +0000 /store/more-ghost-stories-of-nova-scotia Are you still afraid of things that go bump in the night? Do you still think someone is watching you even though no one is there? Do doors and windows still open and close on their own? Do you still see people in your home even though you know you are alone? If you answer yes to even one of these questions, then More Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia will make you feel not alone.

The post More Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia appeared first on lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Nova Scotia Book of Lists /store/nova-scotia-book-of-lists.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nova-scotia-book-of-lists Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:24:34 +0000 /store/nova-scotia-book-of-lists Humans love lists. As humourist writer H. Allen Smith once wrote, "The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists." That infatuation with lists continues here. From Nova Scotia's great collector comes a masterful collection of lists that will start family arguments, provoke a wry smile, or just generally entertain on a cold winter night or in the dog days of summer.

In The Nova Scotia Book of Lists find out:
•Joe Canada's Top10 qualities that define a "real" Nova Scotian.
• Natalie MacMaster's wish list of the Top 10 Nova Scotians she would like to perform for.
•Jimmy Rankin's 10 favourite songs ever performed by a Nova Scotian.
•JC Douglas' list to Top 10 bands or performers to ever come out of Nova Scotia.
•Dan Soucoup's list of Nova Scotia's 10 best books.
•Darryll Walsh's Top 10 haunted places in Nova Scotia.
•Len Wagg's 10 best places in Nova Scotia to photograph.
•Joan Dawson's 10 most memorable back roads she's ever travelled in Nova Scotia.
•Michael de Adder's list of the top Nova Scotians that a political cartoonist likes to draw.
•Michael Haynes' list of Nova Scotia's best trails.
•Pete Luckett's 10 top choices of Nova Scotian products he likes to see on a menu when he dies out.
•Gerry Doucet's top 10 fishing holes in Nova Scotia.

The post Nova Scotia Book of Lists appeared first on lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press.

My Nova Scotia Home /store/my-nova-scotia-home.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-nova-scotia-home Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:24:32 +0000 /store/my-nova-scotia-home In this no-holds barred look at the province, writers captivate and capture the true essence of Nova Scotia. From these personal accounts of life here, the writers reveal the great joys and small pleasures but also the schisms, foibles, and missed opportunities of a life made in Nova Scotia. By revealing themselves, they make the province larger, more welcoming, more interesting, and certainly more colourful. This book is proof positive that life really is a search for home.

The post My Nova Scotia Home appeared first on lisa Publishing and Vagrant Press.
