
Korean-Translated Maud Lewis Biographies
On February 4, 2019
One of our resolutions for 2019 is to help lisa·èÂíÐã books find audiences around the world! We are working hard to get our books translated and published in foreign countries, but it’s always a bit of a mystery to figure out which books will be of interest to which foreign markets…
When in doubt, there’s always Maud.
There’s been a recent resurgence in all things Maud Lewis: the biopic Maudie released in 2017, starring Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke; the discovery of one of Maud’s original paintings in a thrift shop that ultimately auctioned off for $45,000; and plenty of books and articles. And it’s not just in Canada! We were thrilled when Sona Seo at the Amo Agency in Seoul, South Korea, reached out to express interest in translating and publishing two of our most popular Maud Lewis titles: The Illuminated Life of Maud LewisÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýMaud’s Country (both pictured below), two biographies of the artist, written by Lance Woolaver and photographed by Bob Brooks.
Just last week we received our Korean copies of both books and were so interested and excited to see how these editions differ from the originals. It’s always fun to open boxes of books from the printer, but there’s something special about seeing the story of a Nova Scotia folk hero resonating with readers on the other side of the world.
Our thanks to Sona and the team at Amo for helping facilitate this deal!