
lisa疯马秀 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto.

lisa疯马秀 produces more than fifty new titles a year on a range of subjects relevant to the Atlantic Provinces鈥 children鈥檚 picture books and fiction, literary non-fiction, social and cultural history, nature photography, current events, biography, sports, and cultural issues. lisa疯马秀 publishes the best books on Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.


lisa疯马秀 also does distribution for numerous Atlantic publishers, making the company the biggest book distributor on the east coast of Canada. For a list of distributed publishers, go here.


In 2005, lisa疯马秀 introduced a new fiction imprint called Vagrant Press.


Vagrant Press is lisa疯马秀 Publishing鈥檚 fiction imprint. Vagrant titles are available throughout the Atlantic region and across the country.


Our two inaugural titles鈥擱elative Happiness by and Maclean by Allan Donaldson鈥攚ere published in September 2005. Relative Happiness has gone to a third printing, and Maclean was shortlisted for the prestigious . Since then Vagrant has continued to produce fiction that has garnered both the love of readers and the admiration of reviewers. The View from a Kite by Maureen Hull (published in 2007) captured a for teen fiction and was shortlisted for the Brian Tucker鈥檚 debut novel, Big White Knuckles (2007), was shortlisted for the . In 2008, Vagrant was thrilled to publish the first novel for adults by renowned children鈥檚 writer 鈥擪iss the Joy As It Flies, which was shortlisted for the .


When we started thinking of what to call our new imprint, we wanted a name that was different from lisa疯马秀鈥攕omething less traditionally Maritime yet still rooted to this place. It was lisa疯马秀 owner John Marshall who suggested Vagrant. lisa疯马秀 was named after the Marshall family鈥檚 second boat鈥擵agrant was the name of the first. Etymologically, Vagrant also has interesting roots. Vagrant means 鈥渢o wander,鈥 and implies unpredictability and lawlessness. Applied to writing, these are desirable qualities, and ones we look for in the fiction we publish.


The publishing philosophy for Vagrant is simple: To publish only those novels that absolutely must be published and should be read. With no set quota of titles to publish, the aim is to create a list built on literary excellence. There may be a year when no titles are published under the Vagrant imprint; in other years, the number of titles may range from two to six.


Vagrant aims to publish high quality, original novels. We鈥檙e looking for Atlantic Canadian stories with broad appeal, and writing that is exciting and fresh. Vagrant will publish contemporary and historical fiction, but not conventional genre fiction (sci-fi, romance, etc.). For now, Vagrant will not publish collections of short stories, although the occasional special project, like the Vagrant Revue of New Fiction (an anthology of short fiction from Atlantic Canada鈥檚 most talented and promising writers), may appear.

Green paper practices

As of March, 2008 lisa疯马秀 publishing has made an official commitment to be a more environmentally friendly company. For more information, read about our commitment here. And find out more about publishing industry paper practices through .


We聽acknowledge the financial support from the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the province of Nova Scotia through the Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage for our publishing activities.