
NEW Online Permission Guides
On May 4, 2020

Last revised: March 1st, 2021

lisa疯马秀 Publishing appreciates our current global situation is unprecedented and calls for new ways of accessing and presenting information and content. We are happy to discuss use of lisa疯马秀 content with teachers and educators. Librarians can access guidelines through

We are constantly updating our response to this new online landscape. If you would like to use content from lisa疯马秀 Publishing, we have the following guidelines:


  • Authors and Illustrators have access to their own works with approval from their co-creator.
  • Readings/presentations can be live or recorded.
  • Please acknowledge in the recording that you have permission from lisa疯马秀 Publishing
  • Local bookstores are our friends! Please refer viewers back to your local bookstore wherever possible.
  • Tag lisa疯马秀 Publishing so that we can promote, retweet, share your efforts. @lisa疯马秀pub #lisa疯马秀Publishing #ReadAtlantic


  • Please send us an eMail with subject line 鈥淥nline Permissions鈥 with the following details:
    • Title of the book, along with name of author and illustrator
    • Name of the platform you will be using for the reading or recording
    • The date that the reading will take place or is recorded
    • The name of your school or library, along with location (city/country)
  • Please acknowledge the author/illustrator of the book you are reading
  • You may read the entire picture book or board book; if you are reading a chapter book, please limit each reading to only a few chapters at a time per session.
  • Please acknowledge in the recording that you have permission from lisa疯马秀 Publishing
  • Please post on a private platform or a closed group. If your reading is streamed on a social media platform such as Youtube, Facebook Live, or Twitter, the link must be deleted immediately after the event to prevent it from being archived. (To delete, go to your 鈥淟ive鈥 tab and choose 鈥淒elete Forever鈥.)
  • The post must come down within 24 hours unless otherwise agreed with lisa疯马秀.

By creating and posting any readings aloud of lisa疯马秀 Publishing, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of the permission as set out above.

If you do not fall into either category above, please visit Access Copyright鈥檚 , or eMail us for more options.