Jeffrey Domm – lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press lisa疯马秀 Publishing is the largest English-language publisher east of Toronto Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:41:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 153484567 Hatchling’s Journey /store/hatchlings-journey.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hatchlings-journey Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:31:08 +0000 /store/hatchlings-journey.html/hatchlings-journey In 1953 Nova Scotia zoologist Sherman Bleakney made a surprising discovery. He found a female Blanding's turtle living near Kejimkujik Lake. Until then, scientists did not know that the freshwater Blanding's turtles lived in Nova Scotia. In 1990, this small population of Blanding's turtles in southwestern Nova Scotia became a protected species and three years later was designated a threatened species.

Set in Nova Scotia's Kejimkujik National Park, this remarkable story is about a young Mi'kmaw girl and her family's encounter with a Blanding's turtle hatchling. Richly illustrated by the award-winning artist Jeffery C. Domm, The Hatchling's Journey provides us with first-hand experience observing the turtle hatchlings emerging from their nests and their fascinating journey into the Kejimkujik woods for winter. Nominated for a 2005 Hackmatack Award.

The post Hatchling’s Journey appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Ahmed and the Nest of Sand /store/ahmed-and-the-nest-of-sand.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ahmed-and-the-nest-of-sand Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:29:18 +0000 /store/ahmed-and-the-nest-of-sand.html/ahmed-and-the-nest-of-sand When Ahmed moves to Nova Scotia from his native Kuwait, he wants a pet. Instead he gets to help save an endangered bird, the piping plover.

The post Ahmed and the Nest of Sand appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Eagle of the Sea /store/eagle-of-the-sea.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=eagle-of-the-sea Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:16:06 +0000 /store/eagle-of-the-sea.html/eagle-of-the-sea Powerful and fast, bald eagles are some of the most majestic birds in the world. They can spot their prey from two kilometres away, build a larger nest than any other North American bird, and dive at speeds up to 160 kilometres an hour! And in eastern Canada, bald eagles are thriving.
Learn about these amazing birds鈥攖heir habitat, hunting skills, nesting habits, and more鈥攊n Eagle of the Sea. With vibrant, detailed illustrations and accessible text, Eagle of the Sea is both educational and awe-inspiring.

The post Eagle of the Sea appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Atlantic Puffin /store/atlantic-puffin.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=atlantic-puffin-2 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:09:19 +0000 /store/atlantic-puffin-2 The Atlantic Puffin is a familiar symbol of the Atlantic region, earning it the nickname "Little Brother of the North." This wonderful story is told from the point of view of a puffin, drawing the reader effortlessly into the natural habitat of a puffin's world. Accompanied with beautiful illustrations, Atlantic Puffin details habitat, breeding cycles, eating and nesting habits, and more, about the life of this fascinating animal. Artistically rendered, carefully researched, this latest installment from the popular writing and illustrating team of Kristin and Jeff Domm will delight any child or adult who seeks to learn more about the treasured Atlantic Puffin.

The post Atlantic Puffin appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Tangled in the Bay /store/tangled-in-the-bay.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tangled-in-the-bay Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:07:45 +0000 /store/tangled-in-the-bay.html/tangled-in-the-bay Based on a true experience, this is the story of a right whale, Clio, and her newborn calf, Pasha, who arrive during the short northern summer, in the rich, cold waters of the Bay of Fundy to feed and replace stores of fat. With fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales in existence, mother and baby whale are being tracked by a research team studying their habitat and inter-relationships. While monitoring whales on a routine fly-over, a researcher notices one whale tangled in some fishing gear. Baby Pasha is trapped in nets! Quickly, an international team of researchers and conservationists comes together to try and disentangle the animal and save its life. This wonderful story is beautifully illustrated by Jeffrey C. Domm who has illustrated a number of best-selling books.

The post Tangled in the Bay appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Ahmed et le nid de sable /store/ahmed-et-le-nid-de-sable.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ahmed-et-le-nid-de-sable Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:06:24 +0000 /store/ahmed-et-le-nid-de-sable.html/ahmed-et-le-nid-de-sable Lorsqu'il vivait au Kawait, Ahmed gardait de jolis oiseaux dans une cage installee au jardin. Aujourd'hui, il vit a Dartmouth, en Nouvelle-Ecosse, dans un appartment au les animaux ne sont pas admis. Un jour, Ahmed rencontre Alice et Martine, deux gardiens des pluviers siffleurs, qui viennent parler de ces petits oiseaux a son ecole. Ahmed decide alors d'aider ces oiseaux.

Tous les samedis, Ahmed, Alice et Matrin rendent visite a in couple de plouviers siffleurs qui ont construit leur nid sur la plage. Ahmed apprend a connaitre ces oiseaux et tour les dangers qui les guettent. Il les aide a affronter les difficluties jusqu'a leur depart vers le sud a la fin de l'ete.

Les illustrations hautes en couleur animent cette histories educative sur une espece d'oiseaux en danger de disparition au Canada.

The post Ahmed et le nid de sable appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Pattie Pitter She Hates Litter /store/pattie-pitter-she-hates-litter.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pattie-pitter-she-hates-litter Tue, 20 Feb 2024 22:34:20 +0000 /store/pattie-pitter-she-hates-litter.html/pattie-pitter-she-hates-litter Pattie Pitter HATES LITTER. She picks up everyone鈥檚 candy wrappers and pop cans. But no one wants to help. So, Pattie quits. Soon the school is filled with garbage and the schoolyard is buried. NOW everyone is ready to help!

The post Pattie Pitter She Hates Litter appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.

Atlantic Puffin /store/atlantic-puffin.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=atlantic-puffin Thu, 19 May 2022 06:55:54 +0000 /store/atlantic-puffin.html/atlantic-puffin The Atlantic Puffin is a familiar symbol of the Atlantic region, earning it the nickname "Little Brother of the North." This wonderful story is told from the point of view of a puffin, drawing the reader effortlessly into the natural habitat of a puffin's world. Accompanied with beautiful illustrations, Atlantic Puffin details habitat, breeding cycles, eating and nesting habits, and more, about the life of this fascinating animal. Artistically rendered, carefully researched, this latest installment from the popular writing and illustrating team of Kristin and Jeff Domm will delight any child or adult who seeks to learn more about the treasured Atlantic Puffin.

The post Atlantic Puffin appeared first on lisa疯马秀 Publishing and Vagrant Press.
