Ahmed et le nid de sable

Kristin Bieber Domm

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ISBN: 9781551093802

Ahmed et le nid de sable

  Author:   Kristin Bieber Domm  
  Artist :   Jeffrey Domm    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

Lorsqu’il vivait au Kawait, Ahmed gardait de jolis oiseaux dans une cage installee au jardin. Aujourd’hui, il vit a Dartmouth, en Nouvelle-Ecosse, dans un appartment au les animaux ne sont pas admis. Un jour, Ahmed rencontre Alice et Martine, deux gardiens des pluviers siffleurs, qui viennent parler de ces petits oiseaux a son ecole. Ahmed decide alors d’aider ces oiseaux.

Tous les samedis, Ahmed, Alice et Matrin rendent visite a in couple de plouviers siffleurs qui ont construit leur nid sur la plage. Ahmed apprend a connaitre ces oiseaux et tour les dangers qui les guettent. Il les aide a affronter les difficluties jusqu’a leur depart vers le sud a la fin de l’ete.

Les illustrations hautes en couleur animent cette histories educative sur une espece d’oiseaux en danger de disparition au Canada.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551093802
Item NB0502
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on January 7 2001
Language fre
Pages 32
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 8(in)
Shipping weight100(g)

Kristin Bieber Domm has been a teacher for twenty-eight years. She is the author of four lisa疯马秀 titles for children, including Atlantic Puffin. Kristin teaches writing and graduate education courses part-time at Mount Saint Vincent University. She is a participating writer in the Writers in the Schools program and plays bassoon in the Wyndrock Quintet. She lives in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia.

Jeffrey C. Domm is an award-winning illustrator with over thirty wildlife related books to his credit, including the children's books Atlantic Puffin and The Hatchling's Journey. He has been teaching illustration and drawing at NSCAD University for over sixteen years and his body of work includes illustrations for Parks Canada, Environment Canada and Canadian Wildlife Service. He lives in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia.