Kiss the Joy as it Flies

Sheree Fitch

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ISBN: 9781771087056

Kiss the Joy as it Flies

Tenth-anniversary edition

  Author:   Sheree Fitch    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

With all the wisdom, humor and joy we’ve come to expect from Sheree Fitch, Kiss the Joy As It Flies, first published in 2008, marked the well-loved author’s move from children’s literature to adult fiction.

Set in the fictional Maritime town of Odell, with a cast of exasperating but lovable characters, Kiss the Joy As It Flies promises to be a remarkable debut and a reader’s favorite. Panic-stricken by the news that she needs exploratory surgery, forty-eight-year-old Mercy Beth Fanjoy drafts a monumental to-do list and sets about putting her messy life in order. Among other things (hide the vibrator!), she’s determined to finally uncover the identity of her secret admirer; reconnect with long-lost friend and rival Teeny Gaudet; and, most importantly, get her hands on the note her father left before committing suicide all those years ago. But tidying up the edges of her life means the past comes rushing back to haunt her and the present keeps throwing up more to-do’s. Between fits of weeping and laughter, ranting and bliss, Mercy must contemplate the meaning of life in the face of her own death. In a week filled with the riot of an entire life, nothing turns out the way she’d expected.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771087056
Item NB1412
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on September 26 2018
Language eng
Pages 400
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5.25(in)
Shipping weight457(g)
Sheree Fitch鈥檚 first two books, Toes in My Nose (1987) and Sleeping Dragons All Around (1989), launched her career as a poet, rhymster, and a 鈥渒ind of Canadian female Dr. Seuss.鈥 Fitch has won almost every major award for Canadian children鈥檚 literature since then, including the 2000 Vicky Metcalf Award for a Body of Work Inspirational to Canadian Children. She has over twenty-five books to her credit, including her bestselling and critically praised adult novel, Kiss the Joy As It Flies (2008). Fitch's home base is the East Coast of Canada. Visit her at: