Prince Edward Island: Landscape and Light

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ISBN: 9781927502204

Prince Edward Island: Landscape and Light

  Photographer :   John Sylvester    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

In 2014, John Sylvester is celebrating his 30th year of photographing some of Canada’s most remarkable places. This book聽 is a retrospective of his main inspiration — Prince Edward Island. It includes much new material, but also includes many beloved classic images that have graced the pages of his previous books. Prince Edward Island: Landscape and Light takes us on聽a journey showcasing John Sylvester’s approach to photography, not only making images at the edge of day and night, but also the nature of photographing on an Island, where both the landscape and the light inspires his spectacular work. 聽

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781927502204
Item AC0111
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on August 1 2014
Language eng
Pages 80
Format Hardcover
Dimensions11(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight801(g)