Prince Edward Island National Park

Parks And People

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ISBN: 9781894838764

Prince Edward Island National Park

Past and Present

  Author:   Parks And People    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

Since Prince Edward Island National Park was first created in 1937 it has welcomed visitors from around the world, captivating the hearts of all who experience its serene and tranquil beauty.聽 Stretching for about 40 km along the north shore of Prince Edward Island between New London and Tracadie Bays and the tip of the Greenwich Peninsula in St. Peters Bay, this dynamic coastal landscape is constantly changing, shaped by the wind and waves. The sand dunes and beaches, wetlands and forests provide a home for many plants and animals. Wildflowers add colour everywhere and marram grass glistens in the sunlight, rippled by the coastal breezes. Great blue herons grace the ponds and marshes and shorebirds feed along the water鈥檚 edge. Several species at risk are protected in the park, including the endangered piping plover.聽People have been part of this coastal landscape for thousands of years. At Greenwich, archaeological evidence reveals 10,000 years of cultural history, from early Aboriginal peoples to the Mi鈥檏maq, early French and Acadian settlers and immigrants from the British Isles. Once an elegant summer home built in 1896, Dalvay-by-the-Sea National Historic Site is now a heritage inn. Green Gables Heritage Place, also part of L. M. Montgomery`s Cavendish National Historic site, inspired L.M. Montgomery鈥檚 setting for Anne of Green Gables. This book, with stunning new photography by the Island鈥檚 best photgraphers complimented with archival photos, captures the essence of this special place, preserved and protected for you to return to again and again.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781894838764
Item AC0084
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on July 16 2012
Language eng
Pages 78
Format Hardcover
Dimensions8.25(in) x 6.25(in)
Shipping weight310(g)