A Forest for Calum

Frank Macdonald

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ISBN: 9781771087889

A Forest for Calum

  Author:   Frank Macdonald    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

The story is Roddie’s. The stage is his guardian and grandfather Calum’s. A quiet and stoic man, Calum Gillies and his aging friends illuminate for us the changing world around them: the loss of the coal mines, the labour strife and lean years endured, the religious parochialism that divides families and communities and, most important, a disappearing language. The setting is Cape Breton; the themes of cultural and rural change and decline are universal.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771087889
Item NB1463
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on April 1 2019
Language eng
Pages 416
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5(in)
Shipping weight420(g)