A Sea Glass Journey

Teri Hall

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ISBN: 9781771088985

A Sea Glass Journey

Ebb and Flow

  Author:   Teri Hall    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing Limited

Sea glass, beach glass, sand glass, mermaids’ tears, emeralds from the deep…known by many names and coveted by beachcombers, these ocean treasures are much more than they seem. In A Sea Glass Journey, sea glass jeweller and collector Teri Hall, of PEI’s Fire & Water Creations, tells the incredible story of these jewels of the sea.

Accented with stunning photographs of sea glass and its sources, this beautiful book illustrates the transformative process these gems undergo in the belly of the ocean. You’ll also find simple projects for getting creative with sea glass at home, tips for hunting for and evaluating sea glass, a collector’s handbook of shapes and colours, and inspirational anecdotes from Teri and her fellow collectors.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771088985
Item NB1526
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing Limited
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing Limited
Published on May 20 2021
Language eng
Pages 110
Format Paperback
Dimensions10(in) x 8(in)
Shipping weight374(g)
Teri Hall of Fire & Water Creations creates original jewelry, inspired by the ocean, in a colourful palette of genuine sea glass and sterling silver. The journey of the sea glass reflects the mystical nature of Teri’s soul. As she walks the endless shorelines of her Prince Edward Island home gathering precious sea gems, she sees gifts from nature created in places of great beauty, peace, and timelessness. Visit her at peiseaglass.com.