
Paul Reynolds

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ISBN: 9781934031643


  Author:   Paul Reynolds    
  Publisher:  Islandport Press

Former naval officer, avid outdoorsman, sportsman, and award-winning journalist V. Paul Reynolds journeys back along the path of his life to revisit and share with readers many of his outdoor experiences. In the 1940s, Paul鈥檚 father took him to favorite hunting and fishing spots, helping give birth to his son’s lifelong love affair with the outdoors. Later, Harvard eventually took his son to his first smoke-filled hunting camp, where amber liquid flowed and profanity filled the room. Reynolds would soon understand how the outdoors could bestow both the love of nature and the joy of friendship.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781934031643
Item ISL039
PublisherIslandport Press
PublisherIslandport Press
Published on April 1 2014
Language eng
Pages 264
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.5(in) x 5.5(in)
Shipping weight335(g)
Reynolds writes weekly outdoor column and co-hosts a Sunday night radio program called "The Maine Outdoors." He is an active outdoorsman, a devoted deer hunter, and a member of the Outdoor Writers Association of America. His outdoor columns and outdoor photography have won a number of first place awards in New England competitions.