Canadian Wildlife Activity Book : Vol 1

Tom Hunter

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ISBN: 9781894384179

Canadian Wildlife Activity Book : Vol 1

  Author:   Tom Hunter    
  Publisher:  Heritage Group Distribution

Tom Hunter’s outstanding artwork and clever brainteasers provide entertainment and instruction for children, parents and teachers. Canada is home to hundreds of species of amphibians, reptiles and insects, as well as over 1,200 different kinds of larger animals: birds, fish and mammals. Hunter provides an introduction to many of these species. Canadian Wildlife Activity Book: Volume One contains over 200 detailed illustrations, including the largest creature that has appeared on Earth: BC’s blue whale, a mammal that weighs up to 120 tonnes. Canada is also home to North America’s smallest mammal鈥攖he pygmy shrew, which weighs about the same as a soda cracker.

The Canadian Library Association calls this “a splendid activity book . . .drawings are accurate and the animals look as if they could step off the page . . .invaluable on a family camping holiday.”

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781894384179
Item HH0003
PublisherHeritage Group Distribution
PublisherHeritage Group Distribution
Published on September 15 2011
Language eng
Pages 80
Format Paperback
Dimensions11(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight245(g)

Tom Hunter is a respected wildlife artist and combines his love of nature with his artistic training to illustrate the natural history, birds, animals and fish of Western Canada. His first panels appeared in Wildlife Review and for many years his illustrations were featured in BC Outdoors magazine. Tom and his family live in BC’s Fraser Valley.