Cumberland County Facts and Folklore

Laurie Glenn Norris

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ISBN: 9781551099408

Cumberland County Facts and Folklore

  Author:   Laurie Glenn Norris    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

Cumberland County is one of Nova Scotia鈥檚 oldest and largest counties and its personalities, history, geography, natural life, and legends are second to none. Its shores are touched by the majestic Bay of Fundy and the beautiful Northumberland Strait, its landscape was carved by glaciers, and its prehistoric climate created and preserved fossils that today are worthy of UNESCO World Heritage Site designation. From Amherst to Advocate, Minudie to Malagash, Port Howe to Port Greville, the beauty of its forests, crystal-clear lakes and rivers, and pastoral scenery are a delight for visitors and locals alike.

Discover this incredible part of Nova Scotia through amusing anecdotes, fun facts, and quirky trivia in Cumberland County Facts and Folklore

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551099408
Item NB1048
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on May 10 2012
Language eng
Pages 152
Format Paperback
Dimensions7.5(in) x 5.5(in)
Shipping weight200(g)
Laurie Glenn Norris is a writer of historical fiction and non-fiction and holds an MA in art history. Her book Haunted Girl: Esther Cox and the Great Amherst Mystery was a finalist for the 2013 Democracy 250 Atlantic Book Award for Historical Writing and is currently optioned for film. She lives in River Hebert, Nova Scotia, with husband Barry Norris and their cat, Riley. Found Drowned is her first novel.