Designer & Client

Antonio Dias

$31.50 $31.50

ISBN: 9780937822517

Designer & Client

  Author:   Antonio Dias    
  Publisher:  WoodenBoat Books

Boats of your dreams. Eight of them. Watch them evolve from concept sketches to final drawings. Experience the give and take between designer and eight different boat-savvy clients. Would you have added just a bit more shear? Increased the headroom? It鈥檚 time for some serious daydreaming.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9780937822517
Item WB0038
PublisherWoodenBoat Books
PublisherWoodenBoat Books
Published on January 1 2000
Language eng
Pages 160
Format Paperback
Dimensions11(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight460(g)