Door to the Past

Tony Gallant

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ISBN: 9781927502372

Door to the Past

Abandoned Properties of Prince Edward Island

  Author:   Tony Gallant    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

If you have ever gone for a drive around rural Prince Edward Island, you would have noticed that the rural landscape is littered with abandoned buildings. Tony Gallant began to get curious about these properties and started investigate them, looking for signs of thier past. He began to not only photograph the homes, buildings or barns that have been abandoned on P.E.I,聽 but post what he found on his Facebook page. The result is a curious collection of images of the homes and what is left of the former inhabitants, leaving the reader to only imagine the stories they hold.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781927502372
Item AC0119
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on July 7 2015
Language eng
Pages 84
Format Paperback
Dimensions7.5(in) x 9.5(in)
Shipping weight245(g)
Tony Gallant is a freelance photographer with a keen interest in documenting local past history.He has lived most of his life in Prince County at the western end of Canada’s smallest province and birth place of Confederation, Prince Edward Island. In January of 2012, Tony began documenting properties that have been abandoned  and continue to disappear from the landscape. He describes these dilapidated old houses, barns and buildings as, “little time capsules dotted all across our Island”.  Tony and his wife Judy live on a 3 acre woodlot in Brockton and have raised 4 children, Cory, Jamie, Amy Lynn and Tyler.