Girl on the Run

B.R. Myers

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ISBN: 9781771083522

Girl on the Run

  Author:   B.R. Myers    
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

When seventeen-year-old track and field star Jesse Collins’s dreams of a full scholarship are shattered after the sudden death of her dad, she leaves home to work as a summer camp counsellor to escape the nosy stares in small town…and her own secret guilt. After a mix-up at registration, she’s put in charge of a boys’ cabin, and the head counsellor, Kirk, predicts she won’t last the first two weeks.

In the midst of fending off four twelve-year-old boys who are hell-bent on mortifying her and a growing attraction to Kirk, Jesse finds the inspiration to run again from an unlikely source. After all, a good pair of legs can take a girl far, but it’s facing the truth that makes all the difference.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771083522
Item NB1123
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on August 11 2015
Language eng
Pages 336
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5.25(in)
Shipping weight380(g)
B. R. Myers spent most of her teen years behind the covers of Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and Lois Duncan. She collects vintage jewelry, appreciates a design in her cappuccino, and believes bacon makes everything better. When she's not putting her characters in awkward situations, she works as a registered nurse. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with her husband and their two children. She is a member of the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. Visit her at