I’m Just Sayin’

David Muise

$17.00 $17.00

ISBN: 9781926908786

I’m Just Sayin’

My Shorter Writings

  Author:   David Muise    
  Publisher:  Breton Books

I’m Just Sayin’ is a collection of short essays about Cape Breton life and David Muise’s own childhood in Cape Breton鈥攁 book that keeps alive the joy of growing up in this rare world that once was Industrial Cape Breton. A generous river of good humour and empathy flows through this book.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781926908786
Item BB0138
PublisherBreton Books
PublisherBreton Books
Published on November 20 2020
Language eng
Pages 164
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.5(in) x 5.5(in)
Shipping weight0(g)
En s’inspirant des histoires que les mineurs racontent à propos de rats dans les mines de charbon, David Muise, fils de mineur, raconte l’histoire d’Archie, le rat de mine.