Peril at Plover Point

Dorothy Perkyns

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ISBN: 9780889994867

Peril at Plover Point

  Author:   Dorothy Perkyns    
  Publisher:  lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing

Summer vacation promises the reunion of friends David, Mary and Stephen. While exploring the quiet tourist community of Plover Point, this adventurous trio come across a puzzling series of clues. Mysterious art works, the unusual coming and going of boats, the eccentric dealings of Mr. Crabtree and his sinister antique shop, random acts of vandalism, a frightened old man, an endangered species of bird, ancient maps, and a touring musical company called The Piping Plover are the ingredients of this suspenseful, action-packed mystery.

Many readers will welcome this second exciting story featuring the three young detectives who made their first appearance in Dorothy Perkyns’ The Mystery of the Hemlock Ravine

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9780889994867
Item LP0125
Publisherlisa·èÂíÐã Publishing
Publisherlisa·èÂíÐã Publishing
Published on January 1 1991
Language eng
Pages 152
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5.5(in)
Shipping weight195(g)

Dorothy Perkyns was a teacher in England before coming to Canada in 1969. She began writing in the early seventies, contributing many articles to Canadian magazines and broadcasting regularly on CBC Radio. Her work was also published in the United States and in England.

Her first book, The Mystery of the Hemlock Ravine, appeared in 1986, followed by Bilson Award winner Rachel’s Revolution (1988), Peril at Plover Point (1991) and Signal Across the Sea (1994). All are available from Lancelot Press.

The author’s idea for this novel came from learning of a significant mastodon discovery made in Nova Scotia in the fall of 1991.