Sailing Alone Around the World (lisa疯马秀)

Captain Joshua Slocum

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ISBN: 9781551099316

Sailing Alone Around the World (lisa疯马秀)

  Author:   Captain Joshua Slocum  
  Artist :   Thomas Fogarty, George Varian,  
  Publisher:  lisa疯马秀 Publishing

鈥淔ew books send forth such a tangy breeze of salt air.鈥 –Oceanography聽As the first person to circumnavigate the globe alone, Captain Joshua Slocum is celebrated as the 鈥減atron saint of small-boat voyagers, navigators, and adventurers all over the world鈥 (Joshua Slocum Society), and heralded as the penultimate example of independent marine navigation at a time when the invention of steam had nearly put an end to the Golden Age of Sail. His timeless account, Sailing Alone Around the World, still coveted by sailors and thrill-seekers alike, has continued to inspire scores of lone adventurers, and challenged countless readers to change their lives since its initial publication in 1900.聽Much more than your typical sailor’s yarn, Slocum’s journey features unrivaled descriptions of gargantuan waves, ferocious winds, and mesmerizing cultural encounters. In Sailing Alone Around the World, Captain Slocum and his 鈥渨holesome and noble鈥 ship, Spray, ultimately discover that a life truly lived is on the sea.聽This new edition features the original illustrations by Thomas Fogarty and George Varian.(2012010

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551099316
Item NB1033
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Publisherlisa疯马秀 Publishing
Published on June 15 2012
Language ENG
Pages 320
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5.25(in)
Shipping weight370(g)
Born in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, in 1844 to a lighthouse keeper’s daughter and jack-of-all-trades, Joshua Slocum was raised with the sea. To escape the burden of his father’s failing business and mother’s death, Slocum left home at age sixteen as an ordinary seaman on a merchant ship. But his life at sea was to be anything but ordinary.

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“…a literate and absorbing yarn published in 1900 and still in print… His story is a convincing tale of the intelligence, skill and fortitude that drove a master navigator.”