Scamps and Scoundrels

Bob Kroll

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ISBN: 9781771080347

Scamps and Scoundrels

True Stories of Maritime Lives and Legends

  Author:   Bob Kroll    
  Publisher:  lisa·èÂíÐã Publishing

A miserly miller with a stash of gold, some sly smugglers who nevertheless remember to send a thank you note, a stern schoolmaster who couldn’t tell time, and a thief with two left feet are just some of the fascinating individuals who grace the pages of Scamps and Scoundrels. Riotous and witty, Bob Kroll writes these tales of historic hijinks in a delightfully folksy style, bringing to life snippets of the Maritimes’ less glorious past. With over a hundred tales from the 1700s to the 1900s, there is an example of just about every odd, peculiar, silly and ill-advised adventure you can think of. Scamps and Scoundrels gives readers a glimpse of the lives of smugglers, sailors, robbers, murderers, and sometimes just ordinary folk having a surprisingly bad day.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771080347
Item NB1094
Publisherlisa·èÂíÐã Publishing
Publisherlisa·èÂíÐã Publishing
Published on September 5 2013
Language eng
Pages 256
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.75(in) x 5.75(in)
Shipping weight360(g)
Bob Kroll has been writing for the broadcast industry for more than thirty years. He is the author of Rogues and Rascals and Intimate Fragments, and is the past winner of an ACTRA Award for best writer, radio drama (Maritimes). He lives in Halifax.