Winds of Change

Lindsay Ruck

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ISBN: 9781897426579

Winds of Change

Life and Legacy of Calvin W. Ruck

  Author:   Lindsay Ruck    
  Publisher:  Pottersfield Press

Calvin Woodrow Ruck, born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, to Bajan immigrants, saw roadblocks not as barriers, but as hurdles that he would eventually leap over.聽

From working in the steel plant and as a sleeping car porter to being awarded the Order of Canada and appointed to the Senate of Canada, Calvin worked diligently to ensure that his children, and his children鈥檚 children, wouldn鈥檛 have to go through the same things he went through. Although he was turned away from many opportunities, he was determined to provide for his family and took on a heavy workload in the Halifax community.

While Calvin lived in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, the areas of North and East Preston, Lake Loon and Cherrybrook held a special place in his heart. Through his work as a social development officer and as someone who was the leading voice of many equality issues, Calvin鈥檚 name became very familiar to the people of Nova Scotia. But his upfront opinions also brought adversaries, leading to hate mail and threatening phone calls from those who were opposed to any improvements for the minority race. Despite the consequences, Calvin wanted to ensure that people of all races had as many opportunities as possible. His efforts were the beginning of a major movement for Black employment in the Nova Scotian community.

While Calvin was constantly looking ahead and striving for change, he also felt deeply connected to the past. As an historian, Calvin had a passion for digging up the untold stories of history and prompting discussion on otherwise muted racial issues. One of his proudest accomplishments was unlocking one of the military鈥檚 鈥渂est kept secrets鈥 鈥 the No. 2 Black Construction Battalion. His first book gained national attention and, to this day, hundreds gather every year to honour and celebrate the men who were brought back to life in the pages of Calvin鈥檚 book.

Winds of Change not only depicts one man鈥檚 life, but also gives a message of hope and possibility. Although he moved to Ottawa, and crossed paths with many greats, he never lost sight of his purpose and his past. He represented the Nova Scotian people wherever he went, and he did it with pride. He was a father, a husband, an ambassador, a social worker, an author and a senator. He never backed down from adversity and always did everything with a purpose and a goal.


This story is thought-provoking, inspirational and heartbreaking. It offers hope to those who may feel like there鈥檚 no way out and challenges those who are comfortable with the status quo. As Calvin demonstrated, things don鈥檛 always have to stay the same and no one, regardless of race, must ever be denied their human rights. Through his tireless efforts, dedication and sacrifice, he initiated a significant racial and social transformation in Nova Scotia and, as part of his legacy, the winds of change continue to blow across the province and the nation.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781897426579
Item PC0223
PublisherPottersfield Press
PublisherPottersfield Press
Published on April 29 2014
Language eng
Pages 96
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight220(g)
Lindsay R. Ruck, born in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, is a graduate of Carleton University's School of Journalism in Ottawa. Since graduating in 2008, she has worked in the marketing, communications and publishing fields. Similar to her grandfather, the late Calvin W. Ruck, she has a deep and abiding respect and affection for her home province of Nova Scotia. She has recently returned to Halifax, after living in Ottawa for twelve years, to further her career as a writer and editor.